Orange City Life

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If the caption fits….

This photo was taken outside our office in Lords Place at 3.15pm on Tuesday July 3rd and I have never seen the street look like this in the 10 years we’ve been here. There was not one car parked on either side of Lords Place between Summer and Byng Streets, other than a couple of taxis in the taxi stand and a car parked outside the Royal Hotel.

The sight raises several questions as to why and I’ll leave to readers to make their own judgement as to what those reasons might be.

For me personally and given our office location and the issues we’ve faced over the years with parking, let me suggest some possible photo captions for this picture. These will some up my thoughts, what are yours?

“Bet you’ve never seen Lords Place this empty on a workday!”

“Pure coincidence or something more serious?”

“Is it time to review the 1 hour parking limit in Lords Place outside Robertson Park?”

“Sign of the times or sign of a downturn?”

“Who thinks Orange CBD has a parking issue?”