Orange City Life

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Merle Ross

This week I caught up with the gorgeous Merle Ross. “I’ve had a very happy life.”

Age: 85

Where and when were you born? In Moree, 1934

What are the most important lessons you've learned in life? I don’t really know... I learnt a lot whilst bringing up my children, you learn a lot when you are married too.

What’s the secret to a happy marriage? Just being happy!

How did you meet your spouse? I met my husband at a ball. My sister was with me, she was a nurse, Harry was a radiographer, so they knew each other from work, he came over and was talking to her. They went to dinner and were turned away because it was too busy, so they came back, when they left again I went with them and he started talking to me… the next day he rang me up and invited me out... and that was it *laughs* I said to my sister... ‘do you mind me going out with Harry?’ she said, ‘No No!’ *laughs* it was funny.

What is your favourite childhood memory? I suppose staying with Grandparents, I was the eldest of six children, when another sibling arrived my Granny would come over from the Coast to see the new baby and she would take me back for a holiday.

What was your first job?
I worked for a Tailor... taking up trousers and making buttonholes. I enjoyed it… I had three years and then we were all sacked. My favourite job was when I worked in a Department store, I used to take up trousers and dresses as well as serve people.

What are you most proud of? I suppose having children of my own... I have three, two girls and a boy, and they’ve got children.

What did you get up to when you were young? We lived out of town and so when we were in town we would go to the pictures. When I got to 13, I started playing tennis and played right through until I was 56 years old. I only stopped because I had a fall and hurt my back… I enjoy watching it on tv now.

Who is the person who influenced your life the most? Why? My husband Harry, we were good mates. We always got on alright and we travelled to a lot of different places because of his job, he got along very well with everybody.

Where has been your favourite place to live? Wentworth Falls, we were very happy there and it was very close to Moree, we could duck over and see family quite often.