Orange City Life

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2019 Emus Road Runners 10th Anniversary Motorcycle Charity Ride

On March 2, join the Orange Emus Roadrunners for a family day out and a 290km charity ride around the area (cars are also welcome on the drive). The event is to raise funds for Cancer Care Western NSW with all proceeds going to Western Care Lodge in Orange.

The ride will leave Emus (Endeavour Oval on Woodward Street) at 10am sharp with the track of the course to be advised on the day.

Organiser, Peter Roberts said, “Not only our Orange community, the Central West District should get behind this ride/drive, when people come to Orange for cancer treatment and have no where to stay, this has a place. Not only a place for them to stay cheaply, it is connected to the hospital, medical staff and it’s got a high success rate.”

The charity ride was inspired by a member of the Emulators 10 years ago,  Peter continued, “She had breast cancer and when she went to Sydney, places to stay were very hard to come by, so when Western Care Lodge opened up here it was a no brainer for us to get behind it to show our support to people who need it.”  

“We would like to mention two vital sponsors who quite literally saved us from financial difficulty- thank you to Orange Credit Union and Mitre 10 Orange.”

Established in 2009, the Emus Roadrunners charity ride has raised approximately $18,000 to date. Your participation will help those in difficult circumstances and will be greatly appreciated. Cost for registration is $35 per head which includes morning tea and lunch. Registration will be open from 8:30am at Emus Rugby Club or you can go online

There will be plenty of raffles and prizes to be won on the day, so bring your loose change! For more information contact Peter on 0403 400 985.