Orange City Life

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Craig Harvey - People of O Town

I was born and raised in Orange and I love it here. I like the weather, the mountains, I love the bush — you are close enough to everything but far enough away from everything and I like the people.

I have a passion for sport; it’s been a big part of my life. I was probably about 4 years old when I started playing basketball, Mum was playing and we used to play at the old PCYC. Being 45 now it is a long time to play but I still love it, I've played soccer and I've played many other sports.

I actually had a brief hiatus from year 7 until year 9, I had Osgood-Schlatter disease which is basically growing too quick so the tendons can’t keep up with the bones. I was told not to play sport, so I got into racing motocross and enduro with the local club. I’ve always had a passion for motorbikes, and I think that was the start of me becoming a motor mechanic.

I had a major injury in 2011 and realised I could no longer play certain sports for a while, so I started coaching and I realised I wasn’t too bad at it. The opportunity came up to coach my daughter’s basketball team and then one thing led to another and years later here I am.

I look after 11 Western Junior League representatives, the senior team, and I’m assistant coach with the Western Region Academy of Sports basketball.

I've also dabbled in netball for many years and I look after the Orange Thunder as the manager — I just love sport in general. So, I spend a lot of time at the PCYC and a bit of time at work.