Orange City Life

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Michael’s Ride

21-year-old Michael Brennan continues to defy the odds in Westmead hospital after an unfortunate dirt bike accident which left him in a critical condition.

Michael was taken to Westmead ICU with a collapsed right lung, in a neck brace, with pressure rising in his head around his brain, was breathing through a ventilator and had also sustained skull fractures. Today, he is breathing on his own with his lung fully inflated. The pressure in his head is under control and sensors and drains have been removed. He is out of ICU and this week has seen Michael open his eyes, a miracle in itself.

An update was posted just a week ago stating, “Anyone who knows Michael will know how hard he will work now he is waking up and can see to work with his physiotherapist.

“Michael's medical team are preparing him to move to the Neurosurgical Ward where he will commence more intense physiotherapy and see an occupational therapist. Michael continues to improve slowly each day and has passed some critical milestones.”

In the aid to help Michael and his family, Michael’s stepdad Rod Lund is organising a Car and Bike Show fundraiser to take place on February 29 and March 1. All money raised from the ride, raffles and the auction will go directly to pay any costs related to Michael's medical expenses and rehabilitation.

On February 29 (Saturday) two rides will be leaving the Farmers Arms Hotel in Bathurst at 9:30am and 2pm. With a $10 donation per bike, there will be raffles to be won along the way as a support car follow, as well as a lucky door prize per ride. Sausage sizzles will be available, as well as coffee from the coffee van at the hotel. At 2pm another ride will take place, returning around 5pm to a live band playing and the auction for the major donations to kick off from 7:30pm.

On Sunday there will be a bike, car and 4WD show taking place at the Farmers Arms Hotel, led by Michael’s father who will be in Michael’s 4WD with a $5 entry fee per vehicle and a gold coin entry for the public to take a look, there will be lots to see and do.

Michael’s stepdad, Rod Lund explained, “Michael’s rehabilitation is going to take a lot of time, the more people we can get there and the more money we can generate means the more help and support we can get Michael in his recovery. The whole process has honestly blown my mind, I can’t believe the generosity of small and large businesses in Orange and Bathurst, even as far as Sydney, we can’t thank everyone enough for their support.”

“It seems that nearly everyone knows him, he’s a lively character, he was always full of life and fun, he was always willing to help anyone. Michael loved his 4WDing, most of his mates have 4WD so that’s why we have added it into the fundraising festivities.

“That image, that’s him all over. Happy and full of life.”

For more information on the fundraising weekend or to get involved you can contact the Farmers Arms Hotel on 0409 374 477 or alternatively you can search Facebook ‘Ride Day and bike/car show for Michael’ and check out all of the awesome products that are being donated for the raffles and auctions, there you can get in touch with Rod.