Orange City Life

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Put Orange First begins its 2nd year

At the beginning of 2019, Orange City Life announced that our Community Project for 2019 would be called Put Orange First (POF) and one component of that initiative was to invite interested local business people to join a regular brainstorming group over coffee on a regular basis.

From that humble beginning Put Orange First has met every week since with up to 12 people attending on a regular basis. Much has already been achieved by the POF group, particularly behind the scenes.

One lady who has been there from the beginning is Amanda Spalding, she is a bit of a powerhouse and has graciously taken on the role of Group Secretary. Amanda does a power of work for POF, she's a keen supporter of the group's aims and objectives so who better than her to remind us what Put Orange First is about.

Amanda says "Put Orange First is a group of local business people who are keen to contribute to the future progress of our great city. We strive to build a stronger relationship between local business and local people, so the whole community can share in the benefits of a flourishing, vibrant and connected economy.

"That goal, to bring the major players in the advancement of Orange together, is so more impact can be made through collaboration rather than all acting separately.

"We aim to build a stronger relationship between our local businesses and consumers by building a stronger sense of a connected community where people can see the benefits of keeping their money local.

"We stand for a strong Orange for all - thriving business, thriving community, thriving city!’

"The aim of supporting and encouraging small business owners and retailers has captured the imagination.  Soon there will be 30 Put Orange First flags flying in Summer Street to welcome people to Orange and promote its businesses." Amanda said.

Put Orange First meets at the Coffee Shop at Orange Ex-Services Club at 8.30a.m. every Thursday.  All interested parties are welcome to join us. For more information contact Amanda Spalding on 0417 288 246.