Orange City Life

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Judy Holol

“Although I was born in Newcastle, I’m very much a country girl. I am now living in Cudal and have been for the past eight years. I love it, it’s really nice there and I’ve got my horses with me who are truly living a great life just eating away in the paddocks.

I loved drawing and painting ever since I was a little girl. I was into quilting and I did that for 20 years, I ended up just getting tired of sewing. It was a bit of a down time in my life and I thought I’ll go back to painting again and I’ve never looked back.

My favourite thing to paint is definitely horses and native animals. I know that some of the things I pick to paint I think to myself... ‘oh my gosh why do I pick these incredible things?!’ *laughs*. I started painting terracotta pots maybe 20 odd years ago, it was a change to the usual canvas paintings and they have been so popular, selling them has been a great thrill. What I would do if I didn’t have my painting, I don’t know.”