Orange City Life

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Bec Davis - People of O-Town

“I've been around horses all my life, whether it be with the trotters in the family or our riding ponies.

The Coonabarabran horse expo used to be my favourite outing with the horses, it had everything from jumping, eventing, polo, sporting and team barrel racing. The team barrel racing was my favourite. We never came close to winning but it was hilarious to watch because it was so chaotic.

After I finished University I moved to Canada and was living there in Banff for two years. It's one of the most beautiful places in the world and I got to create lifelong international friendships over there, I’d say that’s the biggest lesson I learnt abroad, you can never have too many friends, they're the ones that become your family when yours is miles away... that and I also learnt Australia is the only country with decent meat pies.”