Orange City Life

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Support for young women at International Women’s Day celebration

Get those resumes out ladies, an opportunity for young women to gain valuable advice on how to make their job applications work better for potential employers, is one of the items on-offer at event in the CWA Hall, Orange.

To mark International Women’s Day (IWD), Orange City Council, will be hosting an event on March 6, to celebrate the Women of Orange.

Orange City Councillor Joanne McRae believes events like this which focus on ways of supporting women are important for the local community.

“International Women’s Day is an important reminder that contemporary Australia still has a long way to go when it comes to making sure women are given a fair go,” Cr Joanne McRae said. “I’m pleased Orange City Council can play a role in organising events like this.”

“The theme for this year’s International Women’s Day is ‘Each for Equal.’ For me that’s a reminder that gender equity is everybody’s business. Everyone one of us has a part to play to achieve equality. Every one of us has to be involved. The end result is going to be much more productive and satisfying workplaces, where everyone is able to be included.”

“We can actively choose to challenge stereotypes, fight bias, broaden perceptions, improve situations and celebrate women's achievements.

“I look forward to joining IWD events in Orange, celebrating achievements and encouraging women to be more involved in our community - whether as prospective councillors, working for council, volunteers for our community, in business, or in family roles.”

The day kicks off from 10am, with guest speakers, light refreshments, information stalls, entertainment, and lots of wonderful lucky door prizes not to be missed.

Orange City Council HR staff are inviting women and girls to bring along their resume so it can be reviewed and to talk about how it might be improved to increase their chances of employment success.

Attendees will also have the opportunity to learn about some of the more non-traditional roles for women in Council with staff from the Gender Equity Committee. The event is being organised in collaboration with Neami National and Housing Plus.

Celebrating the Women of Orange will take place from 10.00am – 2.00pm, on Friday, 6th March, in the CWA Hall, Robertson Park. Entry is free.

For more information, please contact 6393 8608.

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