Orange City Life

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Covid-19 happenings

Like everyone else, it's hard not to be caught up in everything that's going on with pandemic. In some respects, I'd like to just distance myself from the constant news bombardment, but of course, that's just not possible. I often try to focus on the positives, but most news reports don't help too much there either, particularly if one is looking for some balance.

 I'd also like to be able to stop thinking about just how bad things probably are, the real situation behind the scenes as it were. I suspect it's a lot worse than we're led to believe, or at least, it's going to be.

That said, I did see an ABC 7.30 Report last week, which among other things, mentioned how some of our farmers are benefitting from the pandemic. Apparently, there's a big surge in demand for Australian grown food, with one farmer they interviewed saying that some farmers are feeling like Rock Stars. Not sure about you but that does my heart good, I'm one of those people who could never understand why we'd import so much food from overseas and then hear that our farmers had to burn or destroy similar locally grown products. Our farmers are considered among the best in the world and we have the capabilities of growing outstanding products here, and more than we need I believe, how this all works with overseas treaties etc. at the expense of our farmers wellbeing and skill is beyond my little brain.

Kindness is another word I'm hearing a lot lately, this too does my heart good. It appears that many people are showing increased kindness to others who are not doing as well as they are. Australians by their nature, have always been great givers to causes when the need arises and personally, I'd like to see more organized and credible opportunities established so that people who want to do or give something, have opportunity to do so. Given some of the stories we've heard recently where donated money hasn't gone to where it was intended, many people may be a bit wary so it would probably be best if any such opportunity was set up by Government.

Of course, showing kindness or being generous doesn't necessarily need a formal reason, you can demonstrate such qualities spontaneously at any time. Just last week, I heard of a lady caught at a supermarket checkout with a pile of groceries but for some reason her card wouldn't work. Embarrassed, she said to the checkout operator that she'd have to leave the items. Just then a chap behind her said, here, let me pay for your groceries which he did promptly with no fuss. When she thanked him, he simply said no problems at all, maybe you can do something similar for someone one day. How great is that?

Kindness can be shown in so many ways and it doesn't always have to involve money. We've all heard how something as simple as a phone call, a kind word or a thoughtful gesture can lift someone's spirits, or even save someone's life.

Christians know that the Bible declares the two most important commands in the world, both come from God.  One says, "love God", the other "love you neighbour."

Imagine if we all loved our neighbour more, and as a priority of life. Kindness (and love) would be everywhere and one can only imagine what that might look and feel like. Wow!