Some things never change…

Farren Hotham (Station Manager 107.5FM)

Radio changes every day, new technology, new people young and old. But FM 107.5 presenter Gordon McMillan hasn’t changed in 30 years of broadcasting.

The experienced radio broadcaster who has been in both commercial and community radio and the ABC talks and communicates with the smooth and svelte voice of a professional and while many come and go Gordon McMillan remains one of the mainstays.

‘’I had a great time at the ABC and also at commercial radio stations in NSW and Qld but I have just as much fun at FM 107.5 where I play a variety oldies and country to make it breezy and happy for our listeners,’’ said Gordon.

Gordon celebrated his 84th birthday recently with his colleagues at the radio station and recounted many a fun story from his radio days.

‘’We enjoy presenting community news, happy music and the latest traffic etc to make sure our listeners are informed of what’s going on in our communities and even like some of the new songs out there at the moment, so it’s my pleasure to serve,‘’ he said.

Over the last couple of weeks 107.5FM has broadcast live from the East Orange Village markets, Molong Colour Run, Cowra Show, the Australian National Field Days and the Night Markets in Robertson Park during Orange’s Wine Festival.

107.5FM also featured in the running for the Community Broadcasting Awards after two of its volunteers Ann-Maree Coyte and Peter Holmes produced a promo for the Orange Show. Competing against two metropolitan stations from Sydney and Melbourne is seen by the 107.5FM team see it as a tribute to its volunteers.

These two people have immense talent and rival the best commercial operators in their field, we are so proud of them.