Spring Hill Show off their Sensory Garden

It was a heart-warming scene when Principal Mrs Mac declared, “Shoes off and go and enjoy all of your hard work” as Spring Hill students ran to their Sensory Garden which was officially opened earlier this week.

This request was met with the echoes of laughter and plenty of ‘wows’ and ‘come and look at what I did.’

Principal, Mrs Mac said, “I’m incredibly proud of all of my students and their continued support and efforts in creating this amazing learning space. They put their heart and soul into it and its very much reflective of their personalities and their wonderful sense of humour. The wonderful thing is watching them at recess and lunch, they are really proud of it.

“Every child has put something into that garden, they can call it theirs and I think that is very special. We couldn’t have done it without the wonderful help from our community and all of our volunteers, staff and grandparents. We also couldn’t have done it without a very special Teacher’s Aide, Deina Hines.

Deina added, “The students worked on it every Wednesday, whether it was raining, snowing, windy, or foggy and smoky, they all went out and worked in the garden. They’ve done an amazing job.”

The Spring Hill Public School community would like to thank everyone who has donated their time and/or their materials to making this dream of theirs become a reality!