If Pet's could talk - Faith

What’s your name?

Faith- everybody has got to have faith to keep going in this world today

What’s your breed?

Murray Grey

Tell us about your parents?

I’m an abandoned babe. Mum deserted me after birth and Dad is all bull.

How old are you?

Three full moooooons

Who are your mates?

The boss and the other little claves.

What do you do all day?

Eat, drink, rest. Pretty exciting eh? Keep life simple. When it gets dark I sleep and digest grass. I do go out on full moons…..eating grass.

What makes your day?

Treats- bread, fruit, calf pellets. You can’t beat a gutful of cherries. Next best is when the boss opens the gate to fresh pasture. I get to join in the stampede.

Do you have any good points?

Mum doesn’t think so.

Do you have any bad habits?

Sure have! The boss says I’m mad, bad and dangerous to know. I’m a determined little bugger. You’d better bring something to eat when you come visiting. No if’s or you’ll get butts. I’ll chew your shirt, pants, boot pull-ons, everything. So don’t wear your good gear.

What do you want to be when you grow up?


What is your rating out of 10?

You can work that one out. What do you reckon?