James Sheahan Catholic High School celebrates NAIDOC in Style


In the morning God (in Wiradjuri Guudha) smiled down upon us all with the sun coming out after rain overnight and earlier in the morning. The students in each year group happily gathered for a whole school NAIDOC March, an inaugural event for James Sheahan.

The students marched onto the oval led by Galumaay Dance Group and a number of the school’s Aboriginal Dance Group to the sounds of the didgeridoo, clapsticks and song, in Wiradjuri. This was just inspiring and had the amazing affect of unifying all the students and staff on this beautiful morning.

Ms Leanne Bovington delivered a meaningful Acknowledgement of Country to a silent, respectful crowd, impressing upon all present the significance of this year’s theme: Always Was Always Will Be. It recognizes that the First Nations people have occupied and cared for this continent for over 100,000 years and counting as new discoveries are made.

For the remainder of the day, each year group were able to celebrate Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples’ history, cultures and achievements. The students were given a gift of seeing, hearing and experiencing a small sample of the oldest, continuous surviving culture on earth.
