Thankyou, Teachers

Cathy McPhee, Sophie Coleman, Jacob Pulling and Cath Buchanan

Cathy McPhee, Sophie Coleman, Jacob Pulling and Cath Buchanan

Last week was national Teachers Day and Orange Christian School took the opportunity to  celebrate, recognise and encourage their teachers for all their incredible work they do for their students.

Class Parent, Alex McFayden said, “Each year we try to honour our Teachers with a morning tea, this year especially we have really wanted to create a COVID safe atmosphere for the teachers to still enjoy.”

Kindergarten through to Year 11 students made cards, drew pictures and bought in some delicious goodies for the Teachers to indulge in.

Orange Christian School student Jacob Pulling explained, especially this year with COVID, Teachers have had to really adapt to the online realm, a lot more than usual.

“With that has come a lot of commitment, my Mum being a Teacher, I see her at home, and she has been working a lot harder and longer hours than I’ve seen before,” said Jacob.

“I’d like to say thank you to our Teachers for everything that they’ve put into us this year, and knowing it’s going to be okay. They always encourage us and tell us not to worry.”

Student, Sophie Coleman added, “Even seeing the way they are committed to their students and committed to making sure we know the content that we are studying. When we were learning over ZOOM they were emailing us and constantly checking up on us, making sure that we knew we could ask questions and that they would be there for us.

“I definitely have a new kind of appreciation and know that it takes a very special person to be a teacher. Its only by their service to us as teachers, that I as a student, have been able to step up and do my best.”

Alex added, “We thank them for not just teaching the kids but also being that support person to parents. It was really daunting for me in particular trying to do Maths from 100 years ago that I have no idea about,” Alex laughed.

“They were really lovely to me the whole time, every time I said, I have no idea what I’m doing, they were so encouraging, they sent me videos and other things to help me and would say, ‘Contact me anytime’.

“We also would like to thank our Class Parents , they’ve all wanted to come and help though due to restrictions they couldn’t, but we do appreciate their efforts so much.”

If you haven’t already, tell a Teacher how great a job they are doing, it might just be what they need to get through the day.

Sawyer Brodie gives Emma Schmack some flowers

Sawyer Brodie gives Emma Schmack some flowers