40 years for Flo

In March this year, Orange Local Flo Corbyn will have given the Orange Base Hospital and the Orange Health Service Auxiliary the greatest gift of all- her time, 40 years of it might we add.

It’s a truly impressive feat by the longest serving volunteer in the hospital. Flo truly has a heart of gold.

“I was nursing back in the early 50’s and back then the Auxiliary ladies would walk around and leave a chocolate in the linen room for us as they did what we called ‘Trolly,’ I used to think what nice ladies they were because we weren’t allowed to buy anything.

“When I had my children I started off doing school canteens, not long later my friend said to me, ‘oh just come and help me do trolly, we are down a volunteer’ (at the hospital), that was the end of that of course,” Flo laughed. “I never left. Consequently, I’ve been involved with the hospital forever and the Auxiliary has been my life for the last 40 years.”

Auxiliary volunteers attend conferences and meet with other branches, they make the sandwiches, fill the drink fridges, run the raffles, you name it, they do it. Although a lot has changed since the Orange Base Hospital days, Flo ensures the food is the one thing that hasn’t.

“I’m very fond of the hospital, I’ve had every volunteer position there is,” Flo laughed, “I was President for over seven years. If the volunteers are stuck, they usually say ‘Ask Flo she knows everything.’

“During the war the Auxiliary volunteers used to mend the linen and collect the eggs, they did a lot of the domestic work. Gradually it became a way in which they could give back to the hospital. It was the little things they brought which was to support patients more than anything.

Since then it has just grown, now, we mostly buy big medical things, and that gives you the satisfaction to know the work that you are doing is going back into the hospital.”

It’s not easy work though we have very willing volunteers, they all work really hard. That’s why I keep coming I must admit, the company is the best bit. There’s a lot of comradery and you make some great friends. I also like chatting to the patients and customers, they like a yarn and it might give me a chance to sit down,” laughed Flo.

“A lot of people don’t realise we are volunteers, absolutely no one gets paid. We are very much needed in this hospital, we are essential for people to eat, at the moment there’s nowhere else for them to go that’s close. So, whilst ever I can do it, I will do it.”

Congratulations Flo, what an achievement. The Orange community is lucky to have you!

The Orange Health Service Auxiliary is always looking for new volunteers, if you’re interested in finding out some more information and think it’s for you, please contact Chris Hannis on 0488 038 801