Keeping the Elderly in touch

Home and Community Care Clients at Uniting Central West are connecting virtually with their social support groups, thanks to a donation of ten electronic tablets from Newcrest Mining's Cadia Valley Operations.

A team of home care workers in Orange, will use the special donation to help elderly clients find a sense of comfort and normalcy during this time as social distancing measures are in place.

Cadia Acting General Manager, Aaron Brannigan, said the company had heard that the social isolation impacts of COVID-19 was preventing older clients living independently in the community from meeting together in person.

“Discussions with Uniting Home Care highlighted a need for electronic devices to assist residents who have had visitor restrictions, stay in touch and remain connected. It was perfect timing as we had recently updated some of our technology and no longer required a number of tablets,” said Mr. Brannigan.

The tablets will be used by Uniting Home Care staff to help elderly clients stay engaged with their usual social and exercise activity. The tablets will also be used to host virtual house parties, trivia nights and virtual senior’s gym sessions.

Area Manager, ACT/West Home and Community Care, Polly Lindon explained, “We value the health and safety of our clients living independently at home and our priority during this time when face-to-face contact is not possible, is to help them stay connected and remain positive.

We are always looking at ways for our clients to stay involved with their friends, families and the communities they live in. This initiative by Cadia, will provide the opportunities to continue engagement and communication, which is especially important for the wellbeing of our elderly community clients,” said Ms Lindon.

Cadia's donation comes from its COVID-19 Community Support Fund which aims to assist the local community with the challenges associated with the pandemic.