Orange's Super Cute Businessman Charlie

“I’ve got lots of ideas,” says eight-year-old Charlie Halliday, who is showing signs of being a budding entrepreneur.

As any experienced businessperson will tell you a truly successful business idea is one that sees a problem and provides a solution — and that is just what Charlie has set out to do with his new part-time business venture.

“Since there's doggy day cares, why aren't there kitty day cares too, where cats can play together?” Charlie asked.

And so Charlie’s Kitty Day Care was born.

For a small fee, Charlie will look after any kitten under the age of 7 months. Hours are currently limited to Monday afternoons, but he is open to negotiation and will even offer a better rate for regular customers.

“We put it up on Facebook and in just a few minutes it already had 28 likes, it was pretty popular,” he said.

“I'll use the money from what I get to buy things for the cats, more blankets and maybe some other stuff like a little play area or one of those scratching posts.”

Charlie said he was also inspired by his young cat Evie, who joined the family just months ago after their 17-year-old cat Hervey went missing for over three weeks.

“We felt so sad, he was our only cat, so we got a new cat to keep us company, but then Harvey got found and now we have two kitties!” he said.

Talking with Charlie about his new business you do start to get the impression that money is not his main motivation.

“I also love the idea because I get to snuggle with cats and play with them. I love cats!”

Well, they do say you’ve got to love what you do!

You can find ‘Charlie’s Kitty Day Care’ on Facebook.