Heritage Rose Group continue to beautify Gardens

Last week, members of the Heritage Rose Group of the Friends of the Orange Botanic Garden began the task of pruning the heritage roses in the Australian section of the gardens. This is the second time the group has met since the coronavirus lockdown began in March. 

It was recently announced that the ‘Heritage Roses in Australia’ fellowship have offered to donate a water tank for use in the gardens and to help drought proof the heritage rose collection. This tank will be situated on the eastern side of the old church.

Pam Bradford of Heritage Rose Group said, “This will make watering during dry periods much easier for members who during the drought carried water in buckets to keep the plants alive. It is a very generous offer for which the group is most appreciative.”

In other exciting news for the club is the installation of a donated bench in front of the church, in memory of Kathie Mills, in acknowledging her commitment to the Heritage Rose Group.

Pam continued, “The working bee was very successful, and it is hoped we will be able to continue with this work with the roses on a regular basis, now that restrictions are continuing to lift.”

The Heritage Rose Group meets at the heritage rose garden at 9.30am on the first Monday of each month.

If you are interested in joining the Heritage Rose Group or would like more information, please call 0427892486.

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