Healthy Autumn Choices!

Did you know that leptin is a hormone produced naturally in the body that helps regulate the feeling of satiety, fullness or hunger? Someone asked me the other day, what's the best diet I should follow? My personal answer is: none. 

Allow me to be very clear today with this answer, I'm not a doctor or a dietitian. I'm just a chef. But I personally don't believe in fairy tales and magic pills. What I DO believe is in daily healthy choices.

However, and this is based strictly on my personal and professional experience, I'm going to try to answer that question about weight control the best I can. 

First things first, always consult with your GP before starting any crazy food journey. There's a lot of misleading misinformation out there! Start by writing healthy options that are achievable every day. Small steps will take you really far.

You may not know this about me but I did lose a lot of weight at the end of my 20s. I understood that weight loss was about being active and making healthy options every day. The bigger revelation for me, to be completely honest, was that I needed to avoid alcohol (spirits especially) and fizzy drinks! That was the end of an era in my life and the start of the new me.

But what about food Rubén? What can I eat in order to lower my body’s triglyceride levels and help leptin work more effectively in my body, so I don't feel peckish all the time?

Well... let me share what we do in Spain. As you know culturally over there, we follow the Mediterranean way of eating. To start with, we eat a lot of food high in omega-3. These healthy fats, found in fish like salmon, tuna, sardines and anchovies, play a very important role in keeping triglycerides down.

On top of that, obviously, we eat a lot of fibre, fruits, nuts and vegetables every day! If you are peckish, go for your chosen healthy option. One day fresh nuts, another day a salad with pulses, another day a tin of sardines. Why not start by getting into the routine of going to the local orchards every week and picking autumn apples with the family? You'll see how your go-to quick snack will change from that moment on.

Would you like to know more products that can help you regulate that feeling of being full? These are some healthy suggestions for the autumn season:

  •  Berries rock!

Replace sugary treats with fruit in its natural form. Berries are lower in sugar than some other fruits and are delicious.

  • Unsweetened drinks, please! (this is a must).

Experiment with herbal, black or green teas. Keep hydrated, drink a lot of water. 

  • Healthy oils, make the change

When cooking, use moderate amounts of extra virgin olive oil. Be brave and avoid butter.

  • Veggies are your best friend!

Eat vegetables every day, especially raw. This will be a great way to lower your triglyceride levels. Add kale or cauliflower instead of starchy vegetables like corn or potatoes.

  • Learn how to cook pulses and legumes

Beans and lentils are great sources of protein and fibre, but avoid the premade stuff full of sugar!

  • Eat more fish!

Fish is the best choice for lowering triglycerides as simple as that. Embrace the omega-3, don't be shy! 

  • Why not whole grains?

Consider switching to wholegrain. It tastes good, and it's better for you.

  •  Green salads

A quick note though to be mindful of salad dressings. Make them yourself, so you know they are low in salt, sugars and fats.

  •  It's the season for mushrooms!

Yep! Mushrooms are high in nutrients and low in calories, which can help to regulate your triglyceride levels and boost leptin in your body. Chop them small if you have an issue with the texture, you won't notice them.

  •  It’s important to sleep more

Add more hours of sleep. Honestly, this will contribute massively to your transformation into the new you, trust me. Being well-rested will help you be happy, active and full of motivation throughout the day.

I really hope I’ve answered all your questions today. 

Happy cooking!