The Missiles, hit the Vic Hotel this Saturday

The Missiles, “the hardest rocking cover band in the Central West” make their debut on the Victoria Hotel stage this Saturday night.

The Bathurst-based three-piece featuring Matthew Hawkey on guitar, George Pendarakis on drums and Jacob Snipe have been rocking the Central West for the past eight years, but this weekend will be their first venture into the Colour City.

“We recently did Parkes and Forbes but our main area is in Bathurst, Lithgow and Mudgee at the moment,  but we are looking to break into Orange,” Jacob Snipe said.

“I used to frequent’ 4 on the 4loor’ and I've always wanted to play the Vic ever since then, so this is a big thing for me personally.”

It was Jacob who came up with The Missiles slogan, that they are” the hardest rocking cover band in the Central West” and it’s a claim he stands by.

“That's what I believe!” he said. “We are a band that plays other people's music as if we wrote it ourselves. We play it as if we wrote and believe every single word in the song!”

Head on down to the Victoria Hotel from this Saturday and they’ll prove it, Jacob said.

“People can expect all the classic hits: ACDC, The Angels and we break into some newer stuff like Greenday and a little bit of Grinspoon and stuff like that,” he said.

“We are going to be going harder than we ever have! Putting on as best a show as possible!”

The Missiles — Saturday, February 24 at the Victoria Hotel from 8pm