Austins Over Australia in Millthorpe!

Austin Motor Vehicle enthusiasts from all over Australia flocked to the Central West last weekend for a weekend touring Orange and surrounding towns, while sharing their love for the iconic vintage vehicles.

Held every two years in different parts of the country, Austins Over Australia is open to all Austin Vehicle Owners, no matter what make or model. The 2024 gathering, hosted by the Austin Motor Vehicle Club NSW, was attended by about 90 vintage vehicles, many travelling from Sydney and interstate for the weekend rally, held in Orange, Carcoar, Millthorpe and Molong on March 7–11.

“This is what they call Austin's over Australia where Austin motor vehicles come from different states, we've got Queensland, Victoria, South Australia, country NSW, plus Sydney car clubs up here,” said Rob Franks, a founding member of the Austin Motor Vehicle Club NSW.

“We started this club in 1979,” said Rob. “When we first started the club, it was only six of us. Within those six months, we had the club going we were up to 120-odd members!”

First joining an Austin A40 Club in 1975, Rob and a few others formed the Austin Motor Vehicle Club to include all Austin vehicle owners.

Rob said Austin vehicles have been a passion for as long as he could drive.

“I've had a few different types,” said Rob. “My very first car was a 1950 Austin A40 Devon, and then I bought an Austin A40 ute. I had it for a while and then over the years, I had a few others, a couple of Austin 10s over the years… I’ve had Austins ever since 1973!”

Orange City Life caught up with the Austins Over Australia rally in Millthorpe on Friday.