Let’s make EVEN better with IGA’s Drought Appeal

Last week we told you about a fabulous initiative that the IGA Team are running to help families and students at a couple of rural schools at Trundle and Tullamore. Both are currently suffering the ravages of drought and Ian and Rochelle Ashcroft have decided to do something about it through their Let’s Make Better Charity.

They’re inviting donations of non-perishable grocery items as well as cash donations which they’ll deliver to both school communities on December 16.

I think this is a brilliant initiative and want to throw the weight of Orange City Life into it to make it a resounding success. I invite you, our readers, to join us in what I call Operation Food Share. By that I simply mean for us who have, to share something with those who haven’t, in this case those families at Trundle and Tullamore.

I invite you to contribute by any of the following means –

1.      Drop grocery items listed on the attached list into the baskets at either of the IGA stores in Orange.

2.      Drop grocery items listed on the attached list into our office at Suite 3/241 Lords Place during business hours. We’ll accept donations at our office until 5pm Friday December 13.

3.      Make a cash donation at either of the IGA stores in Orange. Donations will be receipted by the Let’s Make Better Charity.

Please give some thought to what you can do to help these families, then please do it!