Zareah Coughlan - People of O-Town

“I’ve been involved with Gymnastics for 13 years now and have been coaching for a year and a half. I like seeing how the kids progress and learn new skills.

I was recently accepted into a Gymnastics Leadership Camp called LEAP. It’s about leadership and building leadership skills in coaching gymnastics and in everyday life.

At the camp there was a talk by a Primary School teacher how we are the role models for the younger children and how they look up to us, there was another lady who had a gymnastics injury and she discussed our plan ‘b’ when it comes to the sport. I’ve had numerous injuries the past 18 months so that was valuable for me.

The biggest thing I took out of the experience was; You’ve got to be grateful for everyday and what you do is watched by so many different people, so make what you do positive.

In the next year or so I’m hoping to get my advanced accreditation for Gymnastics and then hoping to get my intermediate judging accreditation as well.”